Friday, June 11, 2010

Whoa there!

Where did May go?!
It was a really busy month and I had to let a few things drop, like Project365 (still taking photos, but wasn't able to commit to one a day and stuck to just uploading them to my Flickr account for ease), finishing writing up our 2009 Disney trip report (will get it done before the next one!), I even had to avoid Scrabble and Farmville on Facebook! ;-)

This month I feel like I have clawed back lots of time because I've finished marking so can get back to the mundane stuff like keeping on top of the hous and keeping Sam on his toes when he's not doing his NACRO placement with apprenticeship/job hunting. Tutoring work is steady thanks to good ol' word-of-mouth, in fact I've just had to turn one potential away which is a shame, but this type of work comes and goes so I take it as it comes and don't assume anything.

I haven't got as many veggies planted in the garden as I would have liked, but there's still time. Potatoes plants and raspberry bushes are popping up everywhere, we certainly won't be needing to buy any later this year! Looks ike we'll have a few more strawberries than last year too.

Best thing about this time of's warmer, our holiday is approaching and I'm itching to get the cases down from the loft, and I don't feel like eating as much as I do in the winter to grow that extra layer of flesh for warmth :-)

If I find some spare time this month I'm going to be tinkering with Photoshop Elements for digi-scrapping my photos, maybe try to get some paper scrapping done (if I ever get round to ordering prints of last summer's photos!), buying a hardrive for all of the above, and hitting the treadmill to tone up.

But for now, I am tackling a mountain of ironing over some great podcasts. Til next time...

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