Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wisdom teeth. Yipes!

Not sure what has kept me so busy that I haven't had time to blog much. July always seems the most hectic month of the year to me. All I know is that I have another 3 days at school and the summer holiday begins! Hurray! It's been way too hot to be in school, the poor kids are miserable, hot and bothered, and the teachers are reaching the bottom of their very deep pots of patience.

I am really, really not looking forward to tomorrow. I have finally managed not to cancel my dental appointment to have one of my top wisdom teeth removed. I have already had two lower wisdom teeth removed, and although one was ok (because I had a general sleep I ever had!) the other was a nightmare and came out in lots of small pieces. I dont think it helped that the dentist said "oh dear" a few times, and puffed and panted as he pulled :o(

Anyway, I have a different dentist now, a softly spoken lady, but I still cant help feeling rather panicked. When I last saw her (January, when I initially booked to have it taken out!!) she offered sedation but I was as scared of that as of the extraction so I declined and opted for numbing injections, she also said that it has a large root and to see how we get on with that. Gulp, not what I wanted to hear at all.

Hence still being awake at this hour (I'm normally an early bird after a day at work). The appointment is at 11am tomorrow, how I wish it was at 9.10 so I could drop Katie at school, go straight there and get it over with. And you know what it is like in the waiting room, you seem to wait forever especially with NHS dentists. If they keep me waiting too long I shall start to feel ill. But I will try to think about deep breathing, I will try to be brave, and positive that it will be a piece of cake.....


kat said...

Hope it all went well. I had my wisdom teeth removed at age 14. Don't know why I got them so early - I'm not very wise.

Tina said...

It went surprisingly well. Still have a little hole but am now pretty much pain-free.
Oh no, I can't afford to be unwise with just one wisdom tooth left...I have a double-weighted 3000 word assignment to do by September!!