Friday, March 30, 2007

Just call me a domestic goddess!

It was my last day at work yesterday. It wasn't as sad an event as I thought it would be. I know I wanted to leave, but I was sure I'd feel a bit upset because I'd think about missing all the social contact, but I just kept telling everyone I'd be back as a parent helper and that made me realise there's nothing to be sad about. I can still enjoy being with everyone, just without the stress of the job!

Anyway, I had a lovely send off. Lots of gifts...

and a beautiful crown...!

And tonight we are going out for an Italian in Rochester. Should be fun, just wish I didn't have this sore throat and achey legs that make me want to retire to bed at 8pm...we don't eat til 8.30!

So, what shall I do today? Wash...iron...change beds...pack cases, yes, nearly time to fly to the sun!

I haven't been on my treadmill for a week as I didn't want to push myself and come down with any worse than a sore throat. But I am pleased to see that my size 16 jeans fall down unless I have a belt, see below!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Would someone perleease come round and remove the crisps from my cupboards. Hub bought 2 huge boxes of Walkers because they were 'a bargain'. I have no willpower, I am eating them even when I don't particularly like the flavours, and I am ruining the hard work I am putting into jogging!!
But hang on, it's not just crisps. There was the individual pot of trifle and the Ainsley Harriot Heaven bar earlier this evening, the Twirl yesterday for lunch plus numerous other 'snacks' that I have conveniently chosen to forget.
Definite trend going on here...fat, fat and more fat.
Perhaps I should do double the workout tomorrow, but a whole hour in one go? I don't think so!
So I'm one grumpy piggy this evening and could eat anything in sight without even realising food had passed my lips.
Ese es todo. Hasta manana....

Monday, March 05, 2007

What did I do today?

Treadmill progress is here!

Been busy today, a bit of shopping for some holiday clothes. Seem to have gained a few pounds as I couldn't do up some size 14 trousers from New Look :o\ But I did get into size 14 tops :o)

A bit of frieze removal in the study, ready for sanding when hub gets time. Photos to follow. Can't do them now as they are stored on the laptop and daughter is MSN-ing.

Tonight's job is to type up my comments on the chapters of KE312 that I have been testing over the last few weeks. Be nice to get that done and dusted so I can crack on with some Spanish. I need to get listening to some Spanish, understanding spoekn Spanish is definitely my weak point. Reading and writing no problem. I already knew that I'm not a good audio learner so must get practising.
Hasta luego!

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Can't believe I forgot to look out at the lunar eclipse last night...I was ironing and listening to a Spanish CD. How could that have become more important than something as awesome as an eclipse? I have my priorities all wrong!!
For anyone else who missed it...BBC news have a nice piccie:

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Naughty naughty!

I'm just about to ruin all my hard work this week...hub has gone for a kebab and chips, but boy will it be yummy! I might regret it later when the heartburn/indigestion kicks in!

I've been playing today. Both kids went out for a few hours. Did I iron, clean or do anything constructive? No...I added a few silly bits to my blog, not very useful, but fun!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Script Marking

Well, my application has been acknowledged. Fingers crossed....

Dusted off the treadmill

Monday: 2 miles walk/jog in 24 minutes
Wednesday: 2 miles walk/jog in 22 minutes
Today: 3.2 miles walk/run in 30 minutes

Last time I remember using it regularly I found it difficult to jog for more than a minute (I was about a stone and a half heavier and it was more than a year ago!), this time I did 2 or 3 minutes walking at 5+ mph, with 1 or 2 minutes jogging at 7-8mph, and it really was no sweat, pardon the pun. I even managed to hot-foot it at 8.5 mph for a few minutes. Very pleased that I'm off to a good start.
My goal? To be able to go out jogging for an hour and to tone up my lower half.
If I manage to keep up a regular exercise routine I'll log my progress in fitness and weight in separate blog. It'd be good to be able to look back and say I have made progress towards a fitter me! Watch this space...

It's official!

Look what plopped onto my doormat this morning! I'd forgotten all about the certificate. Guess I should frame and display it somewhere. Study is currently being decorated, or rather has been emptied.....and left for weeks unloved and uncared for! Conservatory is packed full of stuff from the study, not a good sight! Now where can I put it so that it doesn't get creased or lost.....suggestions on a postcard please...