Friday, March 30, 2007

Just call me a domestic goddess!

It was my last day at work yesterday. It wasn't as sad an event as I thought it would be. I know I wanted to leave, but I was sure I'd feel a bit upset because I'd think about missing all the social contact, but I just kept telling everyone I'd be back as a parent helper and that made me realise there's nothing to be sad about. I can still enjoy being with everyone, just without the stress of the job!

Anyway, I had a lovely send off. Lots of gifts...

and a beautiful crown...!

And tonight we are going out for an Italian in Rochester. Should be fun, just wish I didn't have this sore throat and achey legs that make me want to retire to bed at 8pm...we don't eat til 8.30!

So, what shall I do today? Wash...iron...change beds...pack cases, yes, nearly time to fly to the sun!

I haven't been on my treadmill for a week as I didn't want to push myself and come down with any worse than a sore throat. But I am pleased to see that my size 16 jeans fall down unless I have a belt, see below!

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