Wednesday, March 04, 2009

BSc(Hons)Open(Open), Cert WTC (Open)...don'tcha know. Moving on.

There we go...two more pieces of paper for all that hard work, now wasn't that worth all that hard work! I need another two frames now and if I hang them on the wall I'll mess up my nice diagonal row of existing certificates. Tut.

That's probably it now. The enthusiasm has totally vanished into thin air and I am on the verge of cancelling my Masters course. I've lost my drive..I don't need the Masters, I've plenty of other stuff keeping me on my toes so perhaps I'll bow out gracefully instead of constantly beating myself up for not making time for studying.

I've enjoyed my studies with the OU and thought I'd always have my nose in a course book but the time feels right to move on now. Life has so much more to offer.

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