Thursday, November 17, 2005


Been a while since I posted. I never imagined teaching, behaviour management and planning would be so mentally and emotionally tiring. Once in a while is okay, but 6-8 lessons a week.....well, anyone who teaches 5 days a week has my complete respect!
On the up-side I am now officially (as in, according to the Teacher Training Agency!) a HLTA, which means that my school will now pay me HLTA rate (may only be an extra £1.75 per hour after tax, but that's a different moan and I don't want to bore you) and backdate it to September :O) Xmas shopping here I come!
I hear the O.U. exam results date is out! Happens to be the last day of school. I'm hoping that there won't be much going on in the classroom and that someone will cover for me when I keep logging on in the ICT suite to see if the results are on my home page.
Good luck to anyone who is awaiting exam results, only another month to go!!

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