Friday, February 03, 2006

Nav Bar on the move!

Oh bu***er, that'll teach me to mess around with html! I've managed to shift the Blogger Nav Bar to the left, over the title of my Blogger, and can't figure out how to get it back as it was, or even what I changed!
Anyone fancy a look at my coding to see where I've gone wrong?! Pwetty please?


Bill said...

The first chunk of your html body section has ended up half way down the page. I will have to explain in long hand as this comment box will get confused with html.

Go to your Blogger template and scroll down to about half way where you will find an opening body tag directly above the 'Begin # Content' comment. Delete this lone body tag.

Next scroll down further until you come to another body tag at the start of some densely packed code - select everything from (and including) that body tag down to just above the 'powered by Blogger' button.

Cut and paste this selection directly above the 'Begin # Content' comment where you deleted the first body tag.


Tina said...

thanks Bill, all better now :o)