Monday, June 26, 2006


Did I say I was going to Ascot? I think I forgot!
Anyway, it was Saturday 2th June, and I was chuffed to be going in a size 14 dress!
No hat, just a cute little flower that cost 50 pence from Claire's Accessories (that kinda made up for the cost of the dress!)

7.30 am, drove to friend's house in Essex, champagne breakfast then into a limo for the journey to Ascot (with more champagne!)

The girls:

Don't know if you can see in the photo of the girls, but I was the only one to wear flat shoes. But boy was I glad, my feet and legs ached badly by the end of the day!

6 winner! (£13, the final race...just when I thought I'd be going home empty handed!) 'Twas boiling hot (red shoulders and backs!), and spent a fortune on cold drinks, but it was fun!

Waiting for the next race:

When all races were done we stumbled (stoney path or just plain drunk!) back to the limo for a picnic and more drink and a laugh:

And watched the sun go down before heading for home (with more drink, but not for me, I was NOT going to feel ill and ruin the day!)

Recommended for a fun, if somewhat exhausting day out! As a kid I could never understand my nan's boyfirend's fascination with betting and watching the 'gee-gees' on TV, but I think I can now. It's exciting to see if your horse is going to find its way from the back of the pack to win like mine did!

Back to the books now. After more than a week of lost motivation and dithering I have decided I will not give in and will see these level 3 courses through to the end! And if I don't pass I don't care! I'll just go and take a year off from the degree and enjoy Beginner's Spanish and a bit more blogging!

Ah yes, no weight-loss for 6 whole weeks!! Might be time to add some exercise and tone up the wobbly bits for the summer holiday!

1 comment:

pal said...

Looks like you had a fab time. Did someone forget to tell the girl in the lovely pink dress that the theme was black and white this year?

Loved the flower in your hair.