Friday, October 20, 2006

Exams are over. Onto new things.

Well, exams are finally over, I think I did enough to pass both and will hopefully have my BSc by Xmas after 6 years of studying.

I am currently enjoying the freedom to follow whatever path I fancy. That has been a trip down the A229 to Springfield library for a pile of new books. I've got some on geological hazards, background reading for SXG390 which I am thinking of taking next year. I've also got some glossy book on the U.S.
Now that the bulk of my studies are over I am going to start planning my dream holiday - touring the U.S. most likely in a hired RV (that's motorhome to us Brits) possibly as soon as 2008. There's alot I want to see, probably alot the kids and hub will want to see, I wanna make sure I make the most of any time we spend there I am going to be doing alot of note taking on wanna-see places, handy websites and books, distances etc. All this to be done on a new website or blog, starting this half term holiday. Can't wait! Watch this space for more details.

Friday, October 06, 2006


I've covered all the learning outcomes from all the S320 books but one. Haven't memorised them of course, but all that remains is the recapping of index cards and past exam paper practice.

Still have the horrible vision block of SD329 to cover and alot of rereading of the other blocks, but that will have to be crammed after the S320 exam. At least there'll be a weekend to do that in because the SD329 exam is on the 16th.


Sunday, October 01, 2006

We went to a party last night and for the 4th time this week I have had comments on my weight loss. Two comments at work, one from my mum and one from a friend last night who said he could see it in my face and bum!
It's spurred me on to lose a bit more. I only want to lose another 10 pounds or so, that'd get me to 11 stone, pretty good for my height (5ft 7) I think. I can vaguely remember being 10 and a half stone when Sam was one years old, but I was only 24 then. At 37 I don't think I can expect to be that weight again!

But first I have to get these exams out of the way. I need to eat when I revise for hours! It's my fuel!

S320 revision is ticking along nicely, I just have 2 more books to look at, then I can recap all my index cards. SD329 is going nowhere, 3 blocks out of 7 done and I'm struggling to remember just these three. I might call it quits and just hope for a bare pass. Thanks to those who voted as to what I should do. You voted that I stick it out and I shall.

Hub is taking the kids out for an hour so I must revise.....but I have the beginnings of a cold and my head feels like a ball of fuzz and my eyes are burning. But I'll try.

Good luck with revision to all my OU buddies. It'll soon be over. Keep at it!