Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The 'to do' list

Got on my treadmill yesterday (as well as walked into town from school instead of parking right by the shops). On the treadmill I walked for 3 mins, jogged for one, increasing the speed of both for 24 minutes. Managed 2 miles in 22 minutes. I intend to repeat that routine twice more this week and then gradually increase the jogging time and decrease the walking time (got this plan from a magazine). Did my post-exercise stretches but I'm rather stiff today anyway.

I've also applied to be a script marker for Key Stage 2 English, Maths or Science SATs. Not sure how successful that will be. They prefer fully qualified teachers but will consider anyone with a degree, and I have some experience of marking them in school since our pupils sit practice SATs every year, so it's worth a try. I'll have the time and I have the space, so fingers crossed that I managed to 'sell' myself enough on my application form!

Other stuff:

It's Parents evening for GCSE choices tonight. Should be interesting. Sam is drawn to all the 'hands-on' subjects like Art, Graphic Products, Resistant Materials and Food Technology (we could do with a good cook in this house, go for it son!). He also enjoys History. It isn't clear how many options they can choose, but he has to take Double Science, Maths, English and either ICT or Business Studies (he'd prefer the latter...loves using the PC but not to learn spreadsheet skills etc).

Katie is home today. She woke up with tooth and head aches. The tooth is a baby molar that was temporarily filled sometime ago. Unsurprisingly there were no free appointment times for today, so we are staying home with Calpol and soft foods til her appointment tomorrow morning. She is petrified, doesn't want it filled or pulled despite me saying it won't be painful. She is, I'm afraid, rather squeamish like her mum, and has yet to learn how to persuade herself that she is very brave, can cope can do a bit of deep breathing and imagine herself on a beautiful desert island somewhere!

Still no news on hub's job application. Not sure if that is a good or bad thing. All we can do is sit and hope.

Katie is happily sewing some kitchen towel to make a cushion (didn't inherit her sewing skills from her mother, she's doing a nice job!) so I am off to do some KE312 testing.

Have a good day Bloggers.

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