Thursday, July 05, 2007

The countdown begins!

Less than a month til we set off to Spain, which hopefully will have alot more sun and alot less rain than here!

My cases are out and half packed (yes, I'm that sad!) with all sorts of loverly new summer clothes and shoes.
I'm a measly 3 pounds lighter than I was when I started seriously trying to lose some weight back at the beginning of May, but I've got a nice hourglass figure now and probably got alot more muscle in my legs, and I'm a whole lot fitter (I can run at 10km/h, the max speed on my treadmill whereas in February 6.5km/h was seriously hard work!). I've done quite a few 5ks on the treadmill and outside and am now training for a half marathon in October! Come and join me and a whole bunch of other joggers/runners.
My home grown spinach,lettuce, carrots and spring onions are deeelicious, but my tomato plants are looking a bit weedy. They're no replacement for the odd treat though... Walls Feast vs homegrown contest!

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