Thursday, March 27, 2008

The power of music.

Listening to KM FM in the car this evening I heard a song that I haven't heard for maybe 20 years - OMD's Souvenir. It evoked some powerful and emotional feelings but I couldn't place my finger on the cause of the feelings. It seems music has the power to stir up old stuff stored away with the cobwebs in the brain, but the brain can't make all the links 'cos the cobwebs are too thick (sorry, heavy stuff!)
I did a quick bit of research on the good ol' internet to find the year - 1981. That didn't help. I was in the US most of that year and didn't hear any music from the UK scene until my return a year later - at that age my music tastes were limited to my parents' choices and my first two cassettes (Police and Madness),otherwise I was only introduced to some music that the kids at school raved about (REO Speedwagon and the like). The brain started to work...I remember having an OMD LP when I started work in 1987. Still no link to what I was doing at the time of the song! I can only imagine that hearing it again stirred up some teenage hormonal feelings stemming from the early to mid 80s, before my first serious boyfriend at 16 (now my hub!)
Therapy over.... I was just really struck by the powerfulness of the feelings and how they emerged from listening to a song that I had forgotten existed! Anyone else experienced this?
I'm off Googling to see what other OMD music now rings bells!

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