Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Spent a lovely 2 hours in the hairdressers and have been transformed, with glossy, tri-colour, dead-straight (why can't I get my hair that straight?!) hair. Almost asked for a manicure to complete the pampering, but with being back to work tomorrow and most probably shifting furniture, stationary etc between classrooms I decided not to waste my pennies!

So this is it, last day of the school hols for me. Where have they gone?! Exactly one month ago I was lying by a pool at a friend's villa in Costa Del Sol. One day a villa like that will be ours :o) We did view a few, but need a bit more dosh if we want a pool or some outdoor space. Anyone interested in buying a very nice, year 02 motorhome?! Piccies on ebay

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