Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Day from hell

Good job I do this job for love not the money! Three days in and already I'm thinking "when's it half term?!!"
It's great fun working with 3 different teachers you know....not only do you have to get to know how they work and where they keep everything, I've also discovered they all expect different levels of competence from me!
Teacher 1, Monday morning "I've done the Numeracy and Literacy plan for you this week, just so as to ease you in, all you need to do is deliver it, and I'll make sure I tell you the Learning Objective for next week's lesson before the end of the week so you can plan it in advance" (thank you very much, that'll do nicely!)
Teacher 2, Tuesday morning "here's your literacy plan for tomorrow. I haven't done the ICT plan for tomorrow yet." Get my mitts on the ICT plan Weds 8.30 a.m. No time to plan for it since have to deliver that Literacy lesson first! (Your flexible friend, that's me)
Teacher 3, Tuesday morning "ICT plan is in that folder, there's a few bits that still need planning, for maths can you plan some games so the children can practice ordering".....right....need to have this done for is nearly over....tomorrow is my day off (supposedly soley for OU study!)... I have no ICT resources at home, have found bu**er all on the Internet, but luckily have a few maths games ideas up my sleeve, if only I can get to the photocopier before the class arrives on Friday! ( Has anyone nabbed a website by the name of Yes, ah well, would have suited me down to the ground.)

On top of which had to desert my post to accompany son to Casualty with a concussion this afternoon. They let him come home (surprise, surprise) and I should take him back if he is drowsy or sick, or acting strangely. Funny how he fell asleep in Casualty between seeing Triage and the doctor and could hardly string together a coherent sentence or give meaningful answers to the doctor's questions, yet he was fine to go home!! From the minute we got home he has slept (apart from for a lickle tiddle) and he still slurs odd meaningless sentences. I sense a long restless night ahead.

Am I waffling, sure I am! Do you detect any sarcasm, sure ya do! How else is a woman to stay sane? :o) Told you this Blog would end up being a nice bit of therapy for me...all I need now is a couch to lie down on....
Night all

1 comment:

Tina said...

thank you very much :o)