Saturday, November 18, 2006

Been shopping

Dress 3. Nice colour underneath but the bow does no favours at the waist from side view!

Dress 2 : so-so, bow does no favours at the waist from side view!

Dress 3. Sparkly bits on the top half.

New shoes, only mine are black as in the photos:

All sans-make-up and on a very bad hair day!

Which is most flattering? Cost doesn't come into it as they all cost about the same!


kat said...

The are all very nice and they all suit you, but next time you have your photo taken say cheeeeese. :-))

Lovely dresses - nice shoes too.

frances said...

(Sorry if this comes out twice - but the first time I sent it, the word identification thingie was missing and I don't think it went through - but it might've!)

They're all lovely dresses - but I think that the 2nd and 3rd dresses are the most flattering on you, with nothing to choose between them! The first one (top) is also very nice, but I'm not sure about the neckline. But that's just me!

And the shoes are to die for! :)