Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Claim to fame?

I am going to be on Radio Kent tomorrow morning at about 7.30am. It won't be wonderful though, just a load of old waffle that came off the top of my head. The Head asked for a teacher, myself (in my capacity as a parent not an HLTA) and some other parents to speak to Radio Kent about our school's Outstanding OFSTED report.
I had to state my name (shame, I would have preferred to remain anonymous knowing that I wouldn't really know what to say once prestented with the microphone!), and talk about my daughter and how she is 'thriving' (wish I'd thought to use that word!) at our school and what the school getting an outstanding OFSTED report meant to me as a parent.
Can't wait to hear what I came up with because I can't think for the life of me what I said (other than who I am and who my daughter is, LOL!). I'll probably cringe!

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