Wednesday, May 30, 2007

About all the things that are important to me.

Healthy eating and exercise have become my main priority, what with the summer coming :)

Sparkpeople has been a great motivation. It's taken me a while to get used to reducing my calorie intake (I was shocked at how many I had been consuming). Exercise has become a big part of my life now, and I feel alot better for it. I've branched out from treadmilling, to weights, aerobics, and the odd bit of cycling (but it has to be warm outside for that otherwise I get earache!)

I haven't lost weight since the beginning of the year, but something should start happening soon what with the reduced calorie intake and the amount of exercise I am doing.

And because Sparkpeople has become part of my daily life I am abandoning my jogtilyoudrop blog. I log all my food and exercise, as well as my health-related blogging here. I can't be doing with keeping track of it all in more than once place!

Spanish is still important to me too. It was coming along nicely. I was starting to look at the preterite, future and conditional...and then our evening classes came to a halt last week as our tutor returned to Spain to start a Phd. So I need to look for another class, I really need the listening practice. Mum and I try to get together once a week now for a jog then some Spanish. We are also trying to set each other some homework for those times when the kids are off school and we can't get a word in edgeways!

Sam and Katie are enjoying a break from school after working hard at their SATs. Katie did really well achieving level 5s, a level above average for her year group. Proud mum! She deserves it, she is very motivated and diligent. Sam's results won't be with us til July and although he hates homework he knuckles down in class and should have done fine too.

I didn't get a position as an Edexcel script marker this year, but I have reapplied for 2008. In the meantime I'm continuing to test KE308 and KE312. I don't want alot of work, not now that things are running smoothly at home, just something to bring in a few extra pennies so I will keep my eyes open for any opportunities.

Right, I have a pile of ironing to tackle while my herberts are busy (Katie is at a friend's after a sleepover, and Sam has the nieghbours in to play Runescape), I'm off to find me a good DVD :)

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