Monday, May 07, 2007

Where have I been for the past few weeks....

not far, I am still here...albeit noncommunicatively :O)
Been a bit busy of late. Not with work, although I have done some OU testing for KE308 this week, and did one day's casual work two weeks ago when they were desperate and clearly didn't want to pay a supply teacher!

I've been busy looking after my health, more so with exercise than with decent eating, but I'm working on getting back into good habits with food (even made my own chicken and veg soup today and son ate it, so it can't have been too bad as he doesn't, like his father, 'do' soup!)

I've also been busy pottering in the garden. The spinach, lettuces and carrots that I planted from seed are doing nicely. I was given a bit of raspberry plant from my brother in law and that has survived and is looking strong. Spring onions have stems...not sure how they are doing beneath the ground and am resisting the temptation to pull one! Cress was sampled yesterday in a salad, very tasty :o)
I attempted to separate some of the lettuces yesterday, they haven't wilted today so all should be well!
I also had to recover lots of spinach seedlings from the patio because this morning the wind and rain blew over the plastic pot they were growing in! I poked them back into the compost as best I could, it remains to be seen if they survive!

Spanish is coming along nicely, at least on paper, understanding it spoken is quite a different kettle of fish and is going to take time. Don't bother checking out my Spanish blog as I never really got it off the ground, it took much messing around trying to include accents and upside-down question marks!

Quite a few photos to upload to Flickr this week. Mainly of the decorating (the room's finally finished!), the garden and a trip to see my nieces last weekend.

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