Tuesday, May 22, 2007

What I've been up to the last couple of weeks

eating...too much...but trying, again, to get that sorted. Seems being at home is making it much more difficult to resist temptation! However, that is the one and only downside to me being a 'domestic goddess'.

Exercising...not enough, but more than last year! Still treadmilling my way to a clear mind. Discovered a website called Sparkpeople that is a great help in logging what I have achieved (or not!) and getting advice and support from others seeking a healthy lifestyle.

Gardening...my little veggies are growing nicely now. Pictures to follow.

Decorating...our 'den' is almost finished, again, photos to follow. All that needs to be done is to get my OU certificates up on the wall (they're finally framed!) and a few bits of filing put away tidily.

Family...seeing more of mum and dad now that they are permanently home from the seas of the Caribbean. They have become my once-a-week jogging partners, but not this week, mum and I have sore tonsils and are feeling rather lethargic.

Cars...highlight of the month.....we sold your reliable Peugeot 206 and are now the proud owners of an Audi TT. Hub has wanted one for ages and we thought, why not, while we can! Kids don't fit too well in the back , but we're a two car family and the other car is bigger. The Audi is for hub and me, for our 'couple time' when Lee gets time off during the week, when the kids are at school and we get to go out and about for lunch.

On a more sober note, I discovered today that my aunt, who has suffered from bowel cancer for a few years, is finally on morphine and has, at best, 10 days left with us. Particularly terrible for my cousins who also lost their dad to cancer 15 years ago.

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