Friday, March 24, 2006


Studying Human Nutrition (SK183)...I passed it :o)
That's it for me now, I've done all the Open University science 10 pointers I like the look of.
Besides, my level 3 courses are keeping me on my toes! I don't need any other distractions.

And it's Friday, so my mood is still motivated :o) This afternoon I managed to get 5 ICT lessons planned for one of my classes, while watching over a class who were making Mother's Day cards and I must admit were angels (all too tired to fuss over anything I think and were enjoying the fact that they didn't have to think too hard about their task!)

Hub is busy putting lining paper up in daughter's bedroom, and kids are all chilling, so next stop is the assignments, while all is quiet....just another thousand words or so and they'll be done and dusted, then I can think about filling my suitcases :o)
Bon weekend!


kat said...

Congratulations on the pass. Bet you can't wait to pack those suitcases.

Tina said...

thanks Kat, and they are now half packed! :o)