Sunday, September 17, 2006

Fossil hunting.

We used to go to Charmouth in our campervan during October half term, so I could blow away the cobwebs on the beach and do a spot of fossil hunting, which I find incredibly relaxing and good for the soul.
Not possessing a campervan anymore, and it being too cold for a tent I decided to look online for a cottage or static caravan. Not only were they rather expensive (compared to where we stay in Spain) but hub reminded me that he has no holiday left and that his long weekend between shifts won't coincide with the kids and me being off school. Rats. Time to look closer to home. Haven't had any luck finding anything much at Folkestone, not a sausage at Herne Bay nor St Margarets Bay. I do recall someone saying that there were fossils to be had on the Isle of Sheppey. Definitely need a good reason to go there, perhaps this is it!

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