Friday, September 22, 2006

Not a nice feeling

Have you ever been 99% sure that you'll fail an exam? Not a nice feeling. I have been looking at some past exam papers and would be lucky to get 30%. With just 8 revision days (if I'm lucky) and 9 blocks to revise before the 11th I am starting to get slightly stressed. It's not that I am revising everything and making it hard work, I am only revising according to the learning objectives, but still SD329 continues to baffle me.

The more I struggle with it the more I hate it. The more I worry about it the more grumpy I am with my kids, and that's not fair. This isn't meant to impact their lives! They are very tolerant but they shouldn't have to be. I'm their mum first and foremost.

For the first time ever I am seriously considering not turning up at that exam (so the OU loses funding and I waste a couple of hundred quid, but I retain my sanity if I decide to do this sooner rather than later). Means I don't get my BSc by Xmas, but I don't need it now that I've decided I don't want to become a 'real' teacher. It was just something I wanted to prove that I could do. Because I should have done it when I was 18, when I had no real commitments.

If I do take the exam and fail I won't resit it, so is it worth trying?

Cast your votes (and reasons!) now please? I'll go with the majority 'cos I don't seem able to make the decision myself, quitting goes against my nature, but it is getting very tempting.


kat said...

No reason - just turn up. If you fail turn up for the resit. When we have families and other things going on in our lives we can't always do everything perfectly and on time, the way we would like, but why waste the time you have already spent.

frances said...

I agree with Kat, Tina (and you know how I'm feeling about my own e*am at the moment!) I thought about not turning up for the S269 one - but I did, and I passed. I shall turn up for S330 too - but I'm not going to stress myself out any more (or try not to!) I would also be like you though, and not bother with a resit (couldn't bear to look at the stuff again after 12th Oct!) But I DO understand how you feel about getting rid of that awful stress .... but you might regret it if you didn't turn up. Maybe you could stick with what you've already revised? You never know.
(Talk about kettles and black and all that!)

Wibblypig said...

Last year I was 100% sure I would fail my exam (U210) - I turned up desperately hoping I would get the required percentage to allow me to retake. When I read the paper through I nearly walked out - I couldn't answer 1 question out of 8 - I sort of calmed down a bit and I wrote a load of rubbish. Amazingly I passed, I don't know how. Si it is worth turning up - at least if you think you are going to fail, well you can be relaxed about it! You just never know.