Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Chuffed. Horrified.

Yes, it is possible to be both at the same time.

Chuffed because two people at work have commented today on my weight loss (my size 14 trousers are getting a bit loose now, hurrah!). One noticed it in my face which is nice because my face shape has changed for the worse since I was in my early twenties. Those chipmunk cheeks and the double chin are shrinking!

Horrifed because S320 exam day is two weeks tomorrow! SD329 exam day was 2 weeks yesterday. My potential revision days are being gobbled up by unexpected arrangements like trip to paediatrics for son, shopping trip for special night out this weekend, and my mum's birthday. Not that I resent any of these, I just wish the world could stop for the next two weeks so that I can revise in peace!

I've just spent almost 2 hours revising the HIV virus and feel quite happy that I've mastered the most important bits like the immune response, how HIV replicates and evades control by the immune system. This course is so interesting that I am toying with the idea of SXN390 so that I can go off and research more stuff to do with infectious diseases (also has the benefit of no exam).

On the other hand yesterday I attempted to revise vision and perception and feel like I know nothing.

I can feel my stomach getting in knots. I am really tired, go to bed really late thinking I will fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow, but can't sleep soundly, I'm eating and eating and eating (and forgetting to drink my water) and it's affecting my work. I'm not on the ball when approaching exams are in my mind and I don't give my best. I'm teaching tomorrow morning and have to be on the ball.
The sensible thing to do would be to toddle off to bed right now, perhaps with a Baileys as a night-cap? I'll try it. It might just work. G'night all.

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