Friday, August 24, 2007


Tracey, a friend from school, was telling me about Facebook about a month ago. Naturally (I love new stuff!) I ventured off into cyberspace to check it out. At the time I couldn't see much about it that was exciting, but having had another look today I discovered my sister had found me listed there. Now it seems lots of people I know use brother in law, my cousin's wife (great as I'd lost their email address), some OU peeps (hi Nogbad!). Not as good as Friends Reunited for tracking down old school friends though as far as I can see, unless Facebookers set up profiles with their maiden names. It has photo storage space, that's always handy. Looks like it could be fun, I got me an aquarium to which Facebookers can add fish,

and a 'wall' and notebook on/in on which to leave comments. You can also view books being sold by facebookers on the Marketplace. I'll stick around there I think, although this blog and Sparkpeople will still be my main stays for my idle ramblings.

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