Thursday, January 19, 2006

Four things...

this looks fun (pinched from Kat and Nog's Blogs)

Four jobs you've had in your life
Saturday jobs - Woolworths (very briefly) then library assistant
assistant manager in a bank (boooring!)
nursery assistant
teaching assistant

Four movies you could watch over and over
Saving Private Ryan
Ice Age
Great Escape
anything starring Pierce Brosnan

Four places you've lived
Tilbury, Essex (yes, I was an Essex girl!)
Oostaker, Belgium
Utica, Michigan
Walderslade (Kent)

Four places you've been on holiday
Canary Islands

Four websites you visit daily
Mount St Helens webcam

Four TV shows you love to watch
Home Improvement
What not to wear
Place in Spain
How Clean is your house
don't watch TV much, but when I do I usually go for one of these.

Four of your favourite foods
Dairy Milk chocolate
mint choc chip icecream
McDonalds chips

Four places you'd rather be
by a private pool in Spain
The Rockies
under my duvet
Any of the Moors in England

Four Albums you can't live without
Chicago 17
David Gray White Ladder
Bryan Adams Waking up the neighbours


kat said...

Gosh! I couldn't watch 'How clean is your house'. I've never seen it but I am sure I would end up feeling ashamed. I haven't the time these days to be house proud.

Tina said...

but you should see the state of some of the homes Kat, worse than you imagine, and it's really good to know that there's always someone out there with a much dirtier or untidier house than you :o)