Monday, January 23, 2006

I'm an Auntie

...for the second time. My little sis gave birth to her second daughter this morning. Baby doesn't have a name yet, but she weighed in a 7lbs 6 ounces....teeny compared to my two (son was 8lb 6 and daughter was a whopping 9lb 13!)
I won't ever forget Baby's birthday 'cos it's 6 days after my daughter's and 2 days before mine :o) All the best people are born in January of course ;o)


pal said...

Two day sbefore yours huh!

Happy Birthday Tina!

kat said...

Whoops - missed your birthday. Congrats to your sis.

Tina said...

thanks Kat, I wouldn't have noticed who said happy birthdayto be honest, I've been really poorly. Into my 3rd week of being signed off work and wondering what the h*ll my bod is playing at!:o(

kat said...

Hope your health starts to improve soon, Tina. Concentrate on getting yourself better above all else.