Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Will someone pleeease come and take away a big box of Cadbury's Heroes before I eat the lot?! Had been positively angelic all day until it came to cooking dinner, when I managed to scoff 8 of them! Still, no weigh-in til Friday....perhaps an hour on the treadmill might sort it ...oh dear....can't find my trainers....what a shame.....


kat said...

You have a big box of choccies and you have only eaten 8! Wow. I am so impressed - I would have eaten them all up so as to save any temptation the day after. If you don't eat them they will continue to tease and torment you. :-)

Seriously - Good luck with the eating plan. I can't resist choccies at the moment but I need to get back on a serious diet soon. I lost over 2 stone last year but I've put a few pounds back on.

Tina said...

2 stones, wow, to lose that much seems impossible to me, but I'll keep trying! I managed three pounds this week, making a total of five since the New Year.
Good luck with the diet :o)