Friday, January 20, 2006


Anyone out there speak Spanish? I've been practising today and can say a few sentences :o)
This has helped, I've found a few people who are willing to have a chat and help me with my Spanish, while I help them with their English.
So, for my own benefit, as practice...
Buenos noches :o)
Me llamo Tina y tengo 36 anos...oh dear, don't suppose I can do that little squiggly thing over the letter 'n' on here!
Soy de sur de Inglaterra.
Tengo dos hijos, Sam tiene 13 y Katie tiene 9.
Yo visitare Malaga en Abril.
That has taken me a good few hours to learn, LOL! I suppose I better get on with my assignment now!
Hasta luego!


pokemon said...

muy bien, sigue asi...

kat said...

I don't suppose your assignment has got anything to do with Spanish.

pal said...

¡Hola! Tina. When I first tried my Spanish out on the Costa del Sol I was always answered in English!

Tina said...

Gracias Pokemon :o)

Tina said...

Kat, the assignment is for AA309 (Rome)..I'll give the Spanish courses a try once I've finished this (never ending) degree

Tina said...

This might appear twice, I seem to have lost my first reply to you Pal!
Hola Pal, you're right, most Spaniards I've come across speak good English, although I did come across a few young shop assistants who couldn't. It'd also be good if I could read a few road signs :O)

pal said...

Umm aren't road signs pictures? I'm trying to recall a single Spanish road sign and can't! But yes, it would be good to 'read' them :-)

Tina said...

yes most are, although we did find some of those orange ones overhead on major roads (like the ones we have over here that say "queuing for 5 miles, or lane closes in 500 yards" etc), one said Happy Christmas, but I had no idea what some of them said!

pal said...

I went and had a look after my last message and there are quite a lot of Spanish Road Signs some are a tad important - road closed, diversion etc.!!

Its a good TMA avoidance too. Lol!